The saying “Two is better than one” is the motto that characterizes the experience lived for the realization of this project commissioned by a sector company in Poland.
Like every morning we open the emails early and we find one from a company based in Poland asking for information on our systems for the separation process of fine ground metals. The day starts off well, it is our “workhorse”, the material we know best, so we respond to the customer by explaining what he needs to do to prepare the material for separation, indicating various links on our channel YouTube which deal with material processing similar to what they require.
The type of process required is one of the classic uses of our DM100 densimetric separator, which allows to separate aluminum from the rest of the heavy metals in fine pieces measuring from 5 to 30mm . A few days pass and the potential customer writes to us again attaching some photos of the material to be treated. We reply that it is a standard application and that there are no problems in working with the type of product requested, you just need to find the best adjustment based on the result you want to obtain, and that if you wanted to do a test we were available to try his material with a live demonstration so that he could personally ascertain the results obtained and the ease of use of our densimetric separator.
Having acquired proven experience in the densimetric separation of these materials after 15 years of tests, which we have done and continue to do on the most varied materials, we have gained a certain familiarity in understanding when it is possible and how to obtain the better result even just by viewing the photos of the material to be treated.
We cannot say whether with this proposal the customer perceived our “safety” or whether by viewing the numerous videos of processed materials he understood that he was actually not asking us for anything particularly complex by virtue of our experience; The fact is that he asks us to make an offer for the system consisting of a densimetric separator and the loading system. Perfect, at this point we immediately prepare our offer by attaching a schematic table with an indication of the dimensions, heights, etc. etc. so that he can understand where to place it.
Very little time passes and the customer contacts us by telephone to ask if we could deliver the project within a much shorter timescale than those indicated in the offer presented. We carry out some checks on deliveries already scheduled, we meet in the workshop, we wanted to understand if it was possible to satisfy his requests. We had 2 standard DM100 separators ready in the warehouse, all that needed to be completed were the customization details related to the needs and the final testing was carried out. We therefore confirm that in a month we would have been able to deliver what was requested.

In a very short time the Polish company gives us feedback by sending an official order and advance payment for execution. So we immediately got to work for this new client whose name we only knew and that of his company. Everything perfect, a great satisfaction to work with such a “streamlined” process, it’s a shame that it happens very rarely.
We start with the configuration of the DM100 which will go to Poland and with the assembly of its loading system, we work to respect the delivery dates and as expected within a month we are ready. As soon as we are ready we carry out a test accompanied by a video to show to the customer, we send an email confirming completion of the works including a link to the processing video and within a few days we receive positive feedback attaching confirmation of the balance of the system.
In the meantime we had arrived a few days before Christmas 2021, I communicate the pack list to the customer and our availability for loading on certain days, however the customer cannot find transport and the shipment is postponed to January 2022. When a machine is shipped to hen abroad there is always a certain apprehension, so one hopes that nothing has been overlooked and one’s fingers are crossed that everything goes well. Once the product has been delivered in these cases we often ask ourselves “but will the Polish machine be fine?” and the answer we give ourselves is always the same “well if they had encountered problems they would certainly have contacted us again”
Around the beginning of February 2022 we receive a call at the office, the sender’s number is Polish… moments of terror, in the meantime the war had just broken out in Ukraine, so in those few seconds before answering many thoughts pass. We answer, we have to find out the reason for the call. But the surprise is very different and characterized only by positive notes.
What’s new? The very satisfied customer asks us to create a second machine. Incredible, he immediately wanted an offer for a second implant. Clearly we follow up on your request, we process the order on the same work line performed for the first machine, with the only difference being that in the meantime we had designed and launched the new model of DM100 2022 densimetric separator, which from the point of view of strictly related to use has no differences from the previous model.
This experience confirms that the highly satisfied customer commissions not one but two densimetric separators and this was our greatest satisfaction, demonstrating that our history as a company in the sector has remained a point of reference for decades reliable for this type of material separation
As of today, February 2023, we have not yet had the pleasure of meeting our Polish customer in person and sometimes we still ask ourselves… “but will the two densimetric machines that went to Poland be okay?” “But yes they will be fine otherwise someone would have already called us”.