
New challenges for 2024: How the new vibrating separator for hard materials is born

That the Ghirarduzzi company constantly dedicates itself to researching new methods and technologies to obtain the best results in the field of materials recycling is no news now, and those who know it and follows his projects published in the News section of his website, you will certainly have noticed it. But sometimes these innovations…

recycling tire used material clean

New challenges.. New opportunities, rubber granule separation for used tire recycling

In recent years, the world of recycling has found itself faced with numerous challenges which have, however, at the same time created a series of new opportunities. For this reason, often the most correct term to identify the activities that companies like ours carry out on a daily basis is that of “research workshop”… a…

separation granule rubber

Rubber granule separation / sand for the recycling of synthetic sports fields

“Sometimes things happen because you are in the right place at the right time… other times things happen because your commitment, your passion, your perseverance and your sacrifices are recognized by someone who appreciates your work and your professionalism”   The experience of the project that was commissioned to us some time ago presented us…